Another Project …

… done and dusted!

I found this cute little bedside table on a sell/swap/buy page a couple of years ago:

5B8D6D60-20D6-4710-8C04-F7950DE8596EI’ve been using it as is waiting for some colour inspiration. I considered a pretty metallic or a bright purple, but never felt it in my bones. Until I moved a chest of drawers into the same room. I had a clear vision of what I want to do with that piece from the start so I decided to kinda match this to it! Here she is all finished :


I am a little bit in love with it! I feel all goofy-smiley when I look at it! I used Rustoleum Chalk Paint in Charcoal and waxed over the paint. Here’s a close up of the handle which has screws behind but doesn’t come off 🤔 so I had to tape well and paint it while attached.

Can you see the tiny scratch on the top left? I did that with a fingernail while waxing it 😩 I will fix it another time. For the handle I used Dulux Duramax Spray Paint in Rose Gold.

I also used my favourite Edge Lock Blue Tape to tape the sides of the drawer cos they have these awesome hand cut dove tail joints! It would have been a shame to paint over them.


And I left what might be my favourite thing til last … check this out!!


How pretty are they? 😍 Rightio, I’m off to feed the masses, I’ll won’t share the chest of drawers project for a few weeks as we have visitors coming soon and I don’t want to chance them not being done as back in the spare room 😁

KATE Sig for Manic Mumdays

Not a Quilt …

… but a finish all the same ☺️

I scored this gorgeous barn chair from a crafty acquaintance having a sell out a few years ago. It has had a couple of spaces in our home and recently got handed down to my youngest son who requested a colour change.


I think that was a fair request, it had become a lot chippier since I bought it. I knew red was going to be a challenge to cover so I primed first. The test spot bled thru the primer big time! So I invested a few more hours sanding time and used a tinted undercoat primer to block any remaining red.


I was actually really in love with this grey! But Master 9 could not be swayed … He chose a lighter, and more green colour than what it ended being, but it looked a bit insipid with the blonde seat pad so we chose a deeper shade with a bit more blue. For anyone interested, it’s called Dulux “Zuni”


We all agree this is a much better colour! In fact, Master 9 is in love :


Hope you’re all having a wonderful Sunday!

KATE Sig for Manic Mumdays